Don’t you just find it such a hassle when people actually escort your guests to their seats? Even worse, there are even some wedding planners who encourage guests to approach a receiving table where they would be told where to sit. It’s kind of impersonal, don’t you think? Well, read on for some ideas on how to escort your guests to their respective tables.
Using tags is by far the easiest thing to do. If you’re short on ideas about how to display them, a simple trick is to tie them to a string and decorate it with flowers. It’s spring, after all, so you will have an abundance of flowers to choose from. Here’s an example.
Another way to lead your guests to their seats at the reception is to have fun with the tags using plants. You can use them to tie a bunch of lilacs together. Use a ribbon for that little touch of fancy. You can also use plant labels as escort cards. To display them, simply place them neatly on a plant box filled with Bermuda grass.
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If you’re having your wedding ceremony outdoors, then probably the best way for you to entice your guests to immediately go to the reception area is by providing them with beverages along with their escort cards. I’m pretty sure they’re going to be thirsty after an hour or so under the sun.
Do you have other ideas for escort cards? Let us know. We’d love to hear about them!
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